How to Contribute

The FRSCA project welcomes any kind of contributions, from code to documentation via fixing typos. Please feel free to raise an issue if you would like to work on something major to ensure efficient collaboration and avoid duplicate effort.

The code lives in the frsca repository.


  • Use the provided templates to file an issue or a pull request.
  • Create a topic branch from where you want to base your work.
  • Format the files properly. Please use the dedicated Makefile targets.
  • If applicable, add some tests to validate your changes and ensure nothing else was accidentally broken.
  • Commit messages must start with a capitalized and short summary (max. 50 chars) written in the imperative, followed by an optional, more detailed explanatory text which is separated from the summary by an empty line.
  • Commit messages should follow best practices, including explaining the context of the problem and how it was solved, including in caveats or follow up changes required. They should tell the story of the change and provide readers understanding of what led to it. Please refer to How to Write a Git Commit Message for more details.
  • If your pull request is a work in progress, create it as a draft pull request.
  • Any pull request inactive for 28 days will be automatically closed. If you need more time to work on it, ask maintainers, to add the appropriate label to it. Use the @ mention in the comments.
  • Unless explicitly asked, pull request which don't pass all the CI checks will not be reviewed. Use the @ mention in the comments to ask maintainers to help you.

Commit example

Enforce shell linting

Uses `shellcheck` and `shfmt` to lint and format shell scripts throughout the
project. Dedicated `Makefile` targets were created to automate the tasks and
the GitHub workflow was updated accordingly.

Fixes buildsec/frsca#64

The following commit is a good example as:

  1. The fist line is a short description and starts with an imperative verb.
  2. The first paragraph describes why this commit may be useful.
  3. The last line points to an existing issue and will automatically close it.