Using CUE

Working with CUE in Factory for Repeatable Secure Creation of Artifacts.

CUE Module Structure

The top level of Factory for Repeatable Secure Creation of Artifacts (FRSCA) is structured as a CUE module and follows the schema/policy/data pattern for organizing the files.

The cue.mod directory is predominantly for CUE package management. All of the files in cue.mod/gen/... are generated from the cue get go ... command importing go modules and converting them to CUE. These can then be imported and used to verify the structure of things such as ConfigMap. frsca.cue imports several of these and creates base structures based on these imported go structs.

For the most part, CUE expects the evaluation to be done relative to the root of the CUE module. Evaluation can be narrowed by providing a path to a subdirectory (e.g. cue eval ./examples/buildpacks). CUE will then only evaluate things in that subdirectory (./examples/buildpacks) or its parent directories (. and ./examples), but will not evaluate things in adjacent or sibling directories (e.g. ./resources/... or ./examples/sample-pipeline).

Adding or Modifying

Typically new .cue files will be added in a subdirectory similar to what has been done in the examples/... directories. In the case of examples there is examples.cue which holds some definitions that are shared across all of the examples. Of particular note is a comprehension that creates a persistent volume claim (PVC) for each pipeline run. A reference to the PVC is added to the pipeline run definition by default.

// generate a PVC for each pipelineRun
persistentVolumeClaim: {
 for pr in pipelineRun {
  "\(pr.metadata.generateName)source-ws-pvc": spec: {
   accessModes: ["ReadWriteOnce"]
   resources: requests: storage: "500Mi"

pipelineRun: [Name=_]: spec: workspaces: [{
 name: *"\(Name)ws" | string
 persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: "\(Name)source-ws-pvc"
}, ...]

Using CUE Tool

FRSCA uses the cue cmd support (see cue cmd --help and cue tooling layer for more details) for selecting and exporting definitions. This can be seen in frsca_tool.cue which defines commands for exporting things that can be used in conjunction with kubectl. An example of its usage can be seen in examples/buildpacks/

pushd examples/buildpacks
cue cmd -t "repository=${REPOSITORY}" apply | kubectl apply -f -
cue cmd -t "repository=${REPOSITORY}" create | kubectl create -f -

Here we are using the cue apply ... command to export definitions from ./examples/buildpacks that can be used with kubectl apply .... And similarly cue create ... exports definitions from ./examples/buildpacks that can be used with kubectl create ....

The above example also shows the usage of a tag (cue -t ...) for passing values (repository in this case) into the CUE definitions.
