Quick Start
One page summary of how to setup a new FRSCA.
The requirements will be installed automatically by the scripts if they are not detected, but for information they are listed on the introduction page.
Installation steps
Step 1: start your cluster (optional)
If you do not have a Kubernetes cluster ready to use, this command will
provision and configure minikube
make setup-minikube
Step 2: setup frsca
[Tekton Pipelines] and [Tekton Chains] are the foundations of the secure software factory. This example sets up local certificates and local registry.
The next command will deploy and configure them:
make setup-frsca
Step 3: use local registry (optional)
The examples use the ttl.sh registry to upload images by
default. It is possible to change it to another registry of your choice by
exporting the $REGISTRY
You may also use the local registry deployed inside the cluster. This requires
setting the variable to registry.registry
export REGISTRY=registry.registry
Then to access the registry outside of minikube, open a separate terminal and run the following command to enable port forwarding:
make registry-proxy
Step 4: run a new pipeline
Several pipelines are provided as examples, feel free to choose any of them.
An installer is provided with each example. They can be executed from the root of this repository using the following syntax:
make example-<tutorial-name>
For instance:
make example-ibm-tutorial
Follow the progression and wait until the pipeline completes to proceed with the next steps. The logs can be displayed with:
tkn pr logs --last -f
Step 5: validations
First some convenience exports
We start by defining some variables to simplify the validation commands:
export IMAGE_URL=$(tkn pr describe --last -o jsonpath='{..taskResults}' | jq -r '.[] | select(.name | match("IMAGE_URL$")) | .value')
export TASK_RUN=$(tkn pr describe --last -o json | jq -r '.status.taskRuns | keys[] as $k | {"k": $k, "v": .[$k]} | select(.v.status.taskResults[]?.name | match("IMAGE_URL$")) | .k')
If you are using the local registry, you will also need to change the registry name to the port exposed by the registry proxy:
export IMAGE_URL="$(echo "${IMAGE_URL}" | sed 's#'${REGISTRY}'#')"
Ensure the task has been signed
tkn tr describe --last -o jsonpath='{.metadata.annotations.chains\.tekton\.dev/signed}'
# Should output "true"
Ensure the attestation and the signature were uploaded to OCI
crane ls "$(echo -n ${IMAGE_URL} | sed 's|:[^/]*$||')"
The output should look similar to this:
$ crane ls ttl.sh/b4527e3a81ef1b77b96d390163ddaad9/slsapoc
Verify the image and the attestation
cosign verify --insecure-ignore-tlog --key k8s://tekton-chains/signing-secrets "${IMAGE_URL}"
cosign verify-attestation --insecure-ignore-tlog --type slsaprovenance --key k8s://tekton-chains/signing-secrets "${IMAGE_URL}"
With Tekton CLI (v0.23.0+):
tkn chain signature "${TASK_RUN}"
tkn chain payload "${TASK_RUN}"